Week 23 Pregnancy

Here, I am writing about “week 23 pregnancy”. When you are, beginning of week 24 then your baby has grown to be about 11, 2 inches or 28 cm long and approximately six hundred grams in weight or 0.5 kilogram. Now may be your baby is big enough for others of your partner. You can feel your sense and belly them stretching and kicking. This is a great time to your baby beginning talking, singing or reading. More importantly, your baby’s little ears are picking the sound of others around you and your voice. 23 pregnancy weeks your baby the first time opens their eyelids. Although theirs eyes can move from side to side. Your baby preparation starts for the journey of birth in grow to continue. After birth, the lungs are developing surfactant and substance. Now heart beat is strong to be picked with a stethoscope and in me, conium, and first stool to your baby’s, bowl is developing. All the small detail is coming to complete. Now completely fill baby’s fingernails. This time your baby can distinguish between bitter and sweet. At this stage, you also are begging to notice foot and leg. If mother suffer from cramps, eating bananas or drinking more milk for extra magnesium or calcium may help. At this time, you can carry extra weight.

Week 23 pregnancy your baby is remarkable changes. Her skin is still quite heavily wrinkled and red. In the womb, your baby can loud hear, and week by week, continue your pregnancy. So please don’t go there, where are common to loud noises, environment, and vacuuming. By This time, baby’s bones located middle ear and continuing look more proportional. If your baby would be born this week, there is a chance to your baby survive outsides.  A baby born between this time and next week would have forty to seventy percent chance to observable. Your baby is survival by almost three percent during 23 to 26 Weeks. Normally the survival rates jump to 90-80 percent after 26 weeks. Your baby now rotates his or her experience hiccups and head. This week to be your baby covered protects their skin in their sweet glands and watery environments. Last I say some information that is ninety nine percent babies was born at list 1 pound or more. Mental disabilities and motor are same in babies born very prematurely. Now I can say this equation is simple, healthy mother give birth a healthy baby. So please be carefully in twenty three pregnancy week.

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